Dear All,
In this month’s email we’re letting careers professionals like you dictate the content.
A consistent piece of feedback from our meetings with careers staff is that students are clamouring for assessment centre advice at this time of year. We’ve just published an article that gives them the rundown of the accountancy selection process, and all the assessment centre exercises therein.
We’re also often told that careers staff would welcome the inclusion of exciting job opportunities in communications such as this, to be passed on to their students. Below, you’ll find a handful of financial jobs that are still accepting applications for 2013 starts.
You can make these opportunities available to your students by visiting our newsletter page, or by copying and pasting the information into your own communications.
Enjoy your bank holiday.
Kind regards,
Laura McFarlane,
Editor, Inside Careers
Accountancy recruitment process
A career in accountancy puts graduates on the path towards a great salary and benefits package, but first comes the selection process.
Whether candidates are applying to the Big Four, Mid-Tier firms or SMEs, we let them know what to expect at every stage between application form and job offer.
Naturally, not all employers have identical recruitment processes, so we’ve included some notable individual differences between firms, too.
Each step in the article contains a link to the related in-depth advice, so it really tells candidates all they need to know.
Read the article here.
Accountancy graduate job!
Those who’ve read about the recruitment process might consider applying for the following graduate job with Rees Pollock.
Degree: 2.2
UCAS: 320
Salary: Competitive
Location: London
Apply by: Early application strongly advised
Trainee Chartered Accountant (April 2014 Start)
Tax graduate jobs!
Degree: 2.1
UCAS: 280
Location: London
Apply by: 30 May 2013
Tax Training Programme
Degree: 2.1
UCAS: 280
Location : Reading
BDO Indirect Tax Trainee
BDO Tax Reward Trainee
It’s official: actuaries have the best job
A recent American study of 200 professions concluded that actuaries have the best career.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as the variables considered in the survey were:
- physical demands (low)
- work environment (great)
- income (high)
- hiring prospects (good – if you have the right skills…)
Plainly, your students are going to want to receive advice that will help them land such a job. Our LinkedIn group for Actuaries keeps students and careers staff alike informed about the latest advice articles, industry developments and work opportunities. Click the button below to see for yourself.